Best Classical Tunes



imgimg The clarinet is a woodwind instrument with a beautiful rich velvety texture of sound in its lower register, (called the chalumeau register after an earlier instrument)  and a powerful and penetrating sound in its middle and high registers.

It has a single reed, set in a pointed mouthpiece, unlike the oboe and bassoon, which both possess a double reed. It is cylindrical in shape, unlike the cone shape of oboes and bassoons, and it ends with  a bell shape.

The most common clarinet today is the Bb clarinet, whose range starts at the D below middle C (Midi note D3), and reaches up to the Bb above the 2nd C above middle C  (Midi note Bb6),   a total range of more than 3 octaves. Music written for the Bb clarinet sounds one tone lower than written, so a written C sounds as the Bb below it.  The A clarinet is a semi-tone lower than the Bb clarinet.img

The clarinet has been a regular member of the orchestra since about 1770. In addition, there is an excellent repertoire of music for solo or accompanied clarinet. Supremely famous are Mozart's clarinet concerto and his clarinet quintet.

Music featuring the Clarinet. Audio is available for 84 tunes for this instrument.
No.Name of WorkCategory Composer
1 Alexander's Ragtime BandJazzBerlin
2 Along the Road to GundagaiPopular SongsVarious
3 An American in Paris - 3rd theme (Blues)Tone PoemGershwin
4 Au Clair de la LuneNursery RhymesVarious
5 Bare NecessitiesJazzVarious
6 Blow Away the Morning DewFolk SongVarious
7 Blue SkiesJazzBerlin
8 Clarinet Concerto in A K622ConcertoMozart
9 Clarinet Quintet in A K581 for clarinet and stringsChamber MusicMozart
10 Early One MorningFolk SongVarious
11 Fascinating RhythmPopular SongsGershwin
12 Frère JacquesFolk SongVarious
13 Fuchs, du hast die Gans gestohlenFolk SongVarious
14 GavotteShort PieceGossec
15 Gigue from Overture for 2 Chalumeaux, 2 violettas and BassoChamber MusicTelemann
16 Gigue, from 9th Sonata for violin cello and keyboardSonataCorelli
17 Heart of my Heart (version 2)JazzVarious
18 I Got Rhythm (jazzy clarinet)JazzGershwin
19 Interlude no.1 in F for Chamber OrchestraChamber MusicGomersall
20 Jingle BellsPopular SongsPierpont
21 Landler in F for clarinet and pianoShort PieceWeber
22 Lazy RiverJazzVarious
23 Les Bicyclettes de BelsizePopular SongsVarious
24 Michael Row the Boat AshoreJazzVarious
25 Midsummer Vigil (Swedish Rhapsody No.1)Short PieceAlfven
26 Minstrel Boy (The)Folk SongVarious
27 Music for the Royal FireworksSuiteHandel
28 New RagShort PieceJoplin
29 Nymphs and Shepherds, Come Away!SongPurcell
30 On the Steppes of Central AsiaTone PoemBorodin
31 Phantasiestuck for clarinet and piano, Op 73 No.1Chamber MusicSchumann
32 Piano Trio in Bb Op 11 for piano, clarinet and cello.Chamber MusicBeethoven
33 Piano Trio in Eb "Kegelstadt" K498Chamber MusicMozart
34 Quando Quando - sambaPopular SongsVarious
35 Que Sera, SeraWaltzVarious
36 Rampart Street ParadeJazzVarious
37 Rhapsody in BlueConcertoGershwin
38 Rock My SoulJazzVarious
39 Romance for Clarinet and PianoChamber MusicGerman
40 Romance from Clarinet Concerto No.3ConcertoStamitz
41 Roses from the South, Op 388WaltzStrauss-Johann2
42 Rumanian melody Op 83 No.5 (from 6 pieces for trio)Chamber MusicBruch
43 San FranPopular SongsVarious
44 Scotland the BraveFolk SongVarious
45 Serenade in G K525 Eine Kleine Nachtmusik - arr. for clarinet and piano.Chamber MusicMozart
46 She'll be Coming Round the Mountain When She ComesFolk SongVarious
47 Sleigh RideShort PieceAnderson
48 Someone to Watch Over MePopular SongsGershwin
49 Sorcerer's Apprentice ( L'Apprenti Sorcier)Tone PoemDukas
50 Stranger On the ShoreJazzBilk
51 Summer TimeJazzGershwin
52 Sweet Lass from Richmond HillFolk SongVarious
53 Symphonie Fantastique Op 14SymphonyBerlioz
54 Tea Cha ChaPopular SongsVarious
55 The Magistrate's LassFolk SongVarious
56 The Phantom of the OperaPopular SongsLloyd-Webber
57 The Trout (Song) "Die Forelle", - clarinet and pianoSongSchubert
58 The Vicar of BrayFolk SongVarious
59 Three Blind MiceNursery RhymesVarious
60 Three-Part Invention No.12 in AChamber MusicBach
61 TiritombaFolk SongVarious
62 Waltzing MatildaFolk SongVarious
63 We wish You a Merry ChristmasFolk SongVarious
64 Who's Sorry NowPopular SongsVarious